Is it possible to get this kind of information by using the Java API? If its impossible what is the alternative in the native code? Code example would be the best for my needs, because this specific part of java universe is really new to me. Usually I used to work with heap dumps in the cases where I really needed that, but now I would like to figure out how exactly profilers retrieve this kind of information from the running JVM without actually taking a heap dump. How programmatically (from within the java application/agent) do I get a "live" summary of the largest objects in the heap (including their instances count and size)?įor example, here is a screenshot from JProfiler: On the other hand, its activated in the "sampling mode" (as opposed to the instrumentation) + there is a performance concern - this sounds a really expensive thing to do (read, should not be used in production) to me, but I might be wrong, so any advice will be appreciated. My initial guess is that it somehow "instruments" the already-loaded class files to "intercept" each and every allocation for these objects (with a sampling rate to not slow down the process too much) but then what? Does it call something like Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace() and records the actual stack trace that has led to the allocation? Of course my question is not about the implementation details of JProfiler, I understand its a commercial tool with a close code and everything, but rather about the general understanding of how can this kind of information can be retrieved.

I do see that in order to get this kind of information, I have to trigger the sampled allocation with a rate of 1/10 by default and then specify (preferably) the package in which the allocated classed will be recorded.īut then I don't really understand how can the information about the call-stacks be "matched" with the information about the allocated objects. This time I've stumbled upon The "Allocation Call Tree" feature in JProfiler: So I keep exploring modern profilers capabilities from the "programmatic access" standpoint, and I came across something beyond my understanding. Are you aware if there is any XSD describing the schema and what can be configured? Today, I found an old jprofiler-config.xml for JProfiler 7 on GitHub indicating that there are several more options available compared to the ones I see in my jprofiler-config.xml (JProfiler 11).
Is there a way to solve this issue? I'd like to offline profile all of my containers, let them write to a savepoint and pick the snapshot of the one which crashed. On my cluster, I can't use a relative path (relative to the working directory) as the folder is removed when the application crashes/finishes, so I need to specify an absolute path on the machine which then is the same for all containers overwriting their snapshots. If I use a standard JProfiler config, I have to specify a filename for the savepoint. And sadly, as this application starts multiple containers, they could potentially run on the same cluster hardware nodes. I don't know which one is going to crash. One of those starts consuming 100% CPU shortly before it crashes.
Alternatively you can create comparison reports programmatically with the command line comparison tool or the comparison ant task.Viewing an HPROF snapshotJProfiler can open HPROF snapshots that have been taken with JVM tools such as jconsole or jmap or that have been triggered by the -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError JVM parameter.and muach more OS: Windows Vista/7/8, Server 2012/2008/2003, 2000/XPLanguage: English.I'd like to offline profile a YARN application. JProfiler offers a rich comparison facility to see what has changed between two or more snapshots. At a later time you can open these snapshots in the JProfiler GUI or programmatically export profiling views with the command line export tool or the export ant task.Snapshot comparisonsIn JProfiler, you can save a snapshot of all current profiling data to disk. In addition, JProfiler provides numerous integration wizards for all popular application servers that help you in setting up your application for profiling.Offline profiling and triggersYou do not have to connect with the JProfiler GUI to the profiled application in order to profile it: With offline profiling you can use JProfiler's powerful trigger system or the JProfiler API to control the profiling agent and save snapshots to disk.